China will beat the USA back to the moon, but 2030 is a little ambitious.

  • daisy
    1 year ago

    Even Long March 10 would require at least two launches to put the various pieces off the ground. Its design payload mass to a trans-lunar injection would be about the same as the Apollo CSM alone, no Lunar Module in tow. Modern crewed spacecraft haven't really gotten much lighter than older-design spacecraft (gains in compactness of electronics is often offset by improving safety margins in other systems), and the Apollo CSM engine was a pretty darn efficient one for its day, so I think it'd be fair to assume that a Chinese Apollo-style mission would have an architecture roughly equivalent to Apollo - including similar masses for similar ships.

    Suitport is a fascinating idea. It would be a great idea for "disposable" hardware like an Apollo-style mission. One of the big challenges in longer-term missions would be suit maintenance. My favourite suit design is the good old USSR-derived Orlan suit. It has only one opening, the back, where cosmonauts slide in. The fabric panel behind the cosmonaut is actually just a cover for all the suit's systems. Pretty easy to maintain by space-tech standards.