The male defendants were greeted on Wednesday with a huge round of applause, many of them waving and smiling to friends and relatives in the courtroom. They also then screened their faces from photographers with folders, one of which had the message "Free All Antifas" taped (in English) on its cover. When Lina E. herself was brought in a few minutes later, the applause was even louder and longer, with virtually the whole of the gallery that wasn't press standing up.

Hell yeah

  • GenderIsOpSec [she/her]
    1 year ago

    let me just search the internet a bit...ah

    "She Called Police Over a Neo-Nazi Threat. But the Neo-Nazis Were Inside the Police.

    Death threats linked to police computers and the discovery of far-right chat groups in police departments across Germany have fed concerns about far-right infiltration."


    edit: not paywalledcw: some mentions of racism/nazism plus some hilarious BS about how "le west germany actually fixed policing from the ground up in the 50s" instead of what they actually did which was to just keep on trucking with the nazi fucks still there, pretty good otherwise