• UlyssesT [he/him]
    1 year ago

    The mainstream culture around porn and sites that host it is deeply objectifying and misogynistic.

    Pretty much without exception, anyone I've met that lead with how they're "sex positive" also quickly revealed sex pest characteristics and issues with understanding consent. Being horny doesn't mean everyone should have to experience that horniness at all times, especially when cornered at work and propositioned.

    • NoGodsNoMasters [they/them, she/her]
      1 year ago

      Yeah it really sucks how simply showing yourself on the internet as a woman (or someone people think looks like one) is taken as an invitation for sexual comments. And so much of the time it takes the form of copy-pasted phrases that people will defend as "just a joke" if you call them out on it. I swear people lose all of their braincells when they go on the internet, like it's not less sexual harassment just because it's the internet.

    • MiraculousMM [he/him, any]
      1 year ago

      Yeah I feel like genuine, impactful sex-positivity requires understanding and internalizing leftist theory. Even the most well-meaning and ostensibly "progressive" libs who claim to be sex-positive are still holding on to patriarchal concepts of sex and consent, intentionally or not. And unsurprisingly, the worst offenders in that regard are cishet dudes. Many self-proclaimed "woke" guys just want a plausible excuse to be creeps, rather than actively helping break down the walls that capitalists have built around our conceptions of intimacy and love.