John Brown did nothing wrong :john-brown:

  • kristina [she/her]
    1 year ago

    yeah early on when this site was made we decided that it was best to do it that way to avoid people creating racist/transphobic groups as a way to spam the site and create more work for the mods, if anyone has a new idea for a community that isnt covered ping the admins. also if your pronouns arent covered in the dropdown, ping the admins and theyll add it for you

    • PorkrollPosadist [he/him, they/them]M
      1 year ago

      It has served a couple other purposes also. When bootstrapping a new social media site, it is better to have a handful of active communities than a wasteland of 400 dead ones. If this is the only factor being taken into account, it does make sense to open it up after a baseline of activity is established.

      Another reason is it is better for communities to be created on the basis of need and community investment, then for some fly-by-night account nobody is familiar with to swoop in and squat on something like c/worldnews. This site operates like one large community, despite having dozens of forums. It is different from Reddit where there are thousands of different communities which often hate each other and just happen to share the same website. In general, this is the way of the Fediverse. If there are irreconcilable differences, that indicates it is time for a new instance. A much nicer option then re-litigating basic principles like the right for minorities to exist every day until the end of time.

    • EgyptianGuard [undecided,doe/deer]
      1 year ago

      allright! i shall have to experiment. {by the way, how does one rec a new com? or do you just have to mesg the mods? is there a link where you can fill out for a new com to be made?}