Birdetta wants to be called Birdetta therefore calling her anything else is deadnaming.
Scared me as a wee child getting to the boss stage and that ominous music plays and suddenly she's spitting friggin eggs at you.
One would think I would main Daisy because I'm brunette and I do not want to be blonde... But Rosa is more goals for me, idk.
She actually has a really good spec meta. I usually pair her with the Merc silver arrow for extra bougie vibes.
Edit: this is totally the only reason I do this...
I could easily accomplish this goal if I could merely teleport.
Its actually a joke at Bowser's expense and not an endorsement of anything
No. Chasing is defined by inherently transphobic sexual objectification and tokenization of trans women, not by dating trans women repeatedly. Some trans women out there will have an attitude towards the subject that mostly reflects their self hatred and their inability to see themselves as desirable, with a very strong undercurrent that only cis or perfectly cis passing women could be of any sexual value to straight men. To them, it will be inherently suspicious if somebody even knows they are trans before they start dating and is still interested in them. The idea that "has dated more than one trans woman" is a valid definition of chaser comes mostly out of that mindset, and i must stress that this mindset in itself is both violently and brutally transphobic and doesn't even begin to capture the wide range of problematic and sometimes downright threatening behaviors exhibited by chasers.