The constant harassment and abuse from speciesist reactionaries is what drove us off. But mentioning that part would ruin the narrative that vegans are the bad guys


    • WittyProfileName2 [she/her]
      1 年前

      Not really a counterpoint since they're more likely targeted for their queerness not their veganism.

      • FuckYourselfEndless [ze/hir]
        1 年前

        "More likely" is already you hedgin' you argument. Get hedged.

        Also, a lot of black and women vegans who get combined harassment due to it.

        • WittyProfileName2 [she/her]
          1 年前

          People who are on an intersection of oppressive patriarchal heirarchies being abused.

          Must be because they're vegan. :galaxy-brain:

            • WittyProfileName2 [she/her]
              1 年前

              There's an oft bandied about stat from a 2020 times article that states past five years 172 people in the UK have reported being the victims of anti-vegan hatecrimes.

              For perspective just under 14,500 anti-LGBT hatecrimes were recorded in the UK in 2019 alone. A study carried out by Stonewall in 2017 estimated that ~41% of transpeople had been assaulted solely because of their gender identity.

              It was probably a mistake in my earlier comment to say:

              Not really a counterpoint since they’re more likely targeted for their queerness not their veganism.

              Because it made it sound like these two statistics were in any way comparable.

              You can add as many intersectional matrices as you like onto your argument, the persecution of vegans is a puddle when compared the ocean of other groups stuck in the crosshairs of hegemonic bullshit.

              Acting like society's biggest victim because meat eaters are getting predictably pissy does nothing but alienate the groups actually in danger out there.