• invalidusernamelol [he/him]
    2 years ago

    That being said, he did toy with the idea of time based labor vouchers and the concept of labor time. Something that is necessary as humans do live in a world where time progresses and time is a limited thing for all of us.

    But when looking at profit, time only comes in as a secondary factor for reducing wages. E.g. getting people to make 3 widgets an hour instead of 2, which in the formula is represented as a change in s' because the share of C given out as v falls.

    This is also what kick-starts the falling profit rate, as increasing worker productivity requires (in most cases) increases in the share of C given out as c (new machinery, training, better materials, etc.). Since profit is derived from v and not c, that means total profit can increase while rate of profit decreases. The total C goes up, but the share of v that makes it up decreases (while total v increases) which leads to decreasing rates of profit with increasing total profit.