• invalidusernamelol [he/him]
    2 years ago

    The incentive in a socialist context is still realized value in the form of wages to an extent. Just with hopefully a medium of exchange that isn't tied to finance, but instead to actual labor values of goods produced.

    Over time the need for this exchange system should hopefully melt away, but that requires an end of scarcity and full employment with robust planning and taxation systems to maintain social services for pensions, development of new industry, and maintenance of existing industry.

    The also needs to be a way to directly and easily compare use values of different products and calculate total labor content of light industrial goods with dozens of hundreds of input materials.

    The USSR had a dual banking system for a while the separated investment capital from worker and exchange capital so a failed investment wouldn't devalue the wages of workers. Something that would never be done in the West because the devaluation of wages caused by failed capital ventures is a positive side effect to capitalists.