Title says it all. As the designated socialist in my social circles I’ve had many people from my family to friends to acquaintances who once called me a bastard now all reaching out to me for material.
Have been recommending Das Kapital, Blackshirts and Reds, anything by Richard Wolf Shock, Shock Doctrine, and the Ordinary Person’s guide to Empire.
Yesh I knew capital was a lot but I always felt like it’s the easiest Marxist text since it’s so short and can act more as a bullet point list of what they beleive. Also key thing being it’s not by Marx so their “comunist bad” filters don’t instantly go off.
Which is also the reason I’m holding off State and Rev.
Ordinary persons guide to empire actually has an essay that is a synopsis of neocolonialism for someone new to the whole concept.
That one. But since Engles published and finished it I just make note of him as the author when they ask and have a copy of it online where he is listed as the compiler I Was sending them.
Scummy yeah. But if it’s not Marx’s name peoooe are more willing to read it.
Understanding Power by Chomsky was my first eye opener. Easy, accessible, timeless.