• GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
    4 months ago

    If Trump is the existential threat that libs screech about then anything - absolutely anything and everything that Biden does should be done to boost his chances at reelection. It doesn't matter if it's good policy or bad policy. It doesn't matter if it's sensible. It should exclusively be done at the expense of everything else in order to beat Trump. Nothing else should be pursued. After all, if you beat Trump then we get 4 more years to make "hard nosed pragmatic means tested adult approved" decisions.

    So the question I put to libs is this: which one is this? Is this another bad thing to beat Drumpf? Or is this just fucking cope to cover for inhumane policy that will not move the electoral needle? Because if it's the latter than it fails by their own measure of success.

    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
      4 months ago

      hard nosed pragmatic means tested adult approved

      That's my least favorite thing about the liberals - their condescending tone. "We're done with that..." etc.

      • GrouchyGrouse [he/him]
        4 months ago

        Yes x 100-com

        "We didn't try anything new so we know new things can't work" which they say while tons of their shit is failing in real time all around them. Fucking assholes. Democrats and Republicans are truly the diet Pepsi and regular Pepsi of politics acting like they aren't the same brand of shitty know-it-all liberalism.