I think it's funny because me and my uncle are on like opposite ends of the political spectrum. We meet in the middle sometimes about stuff like how local news is propaganda, the American food industry is driving all sorts of changes to laws in the past about food safety thru lobbying. But then we'll disagree on some things too like the 'benefits' of an armed police force, how 'socialism' could be a possible solution to problems like crime and poverty. Anyway, yeah, I'm just too lazy to actually look into it. Show me some stuff about COVID, studies published in 2023 preferably. Thanks so much in advance.

  • EnsignRedshirt [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Not to be a downer, but if you did get some number of academic studies that showed clear evidence of this or that, what are the odds that your uncle won't just send you a link to a comment in a Facebook group that says the opposite and then go "well, I guess we'll never know for sure"?

    • john_browns_beard [he/him, comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      My thoughts exactly, you have to pick your own battles with stuff like this and if someone is pulling the "do your own research" line, chances are they're already too far gone for you to change their mind. If it's someone who actually matters in your life, you can decide if it's worth cutting them out (if you do, you should let them know why) or just "wow, that's crazy"-ing them until they change the subject.

      If you threaten to cut contact with them and they actually care about you, it may be the one thing that works. Don't try to debate them if you want to keep them around because it will build resentment. Even "we're not talking about this, bye" and leaving will have a bigger impact. I have a biochemistry degree and I wouldn't even try to convert antivaxxers.