I think it's funny because me and my uncle are on like opposite ends of the political spectrum. We meet in the middle sometimes about stuff like how local news is propaganda, the American food industry is driving all sorts of changes to laws in the past about food safety thru lobbying. But then we'll disagree on some things too like the 'benefits' of an armed police force, how 'socialism' could be a possible solution to problems like crime and poverty. Anyway, yeah, I'm just too lazy to actually look into it. Show me some stuff about COVID, studies published in 2023 preferably. Thanks so much in advance.

  • MedicareForSome [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    Do your own research means looks at facebook memes. If you're too lazy to look for a study, you're definitely too lazy to read it too.

    Scientific studies are not designed for the layman really, they're designed to be read by other scientists. It will take a lot of effort for you to read and fully comprehend a study as a non-scientist. It's a skill that you build up over many years. Even scientists in different fields will have trouble reading outside of their field.

    Also what about covid? Looking on google scholar, there are ~67,000 studies about COVID published so far in 2023. There are 5.7 million total.

    If you would like to know something specific about COVID, I can definitely help. If you have no specific goals in your research, then you should probably just read the Wikipedia page for COVID.