So no one thinks I'm a troll, I completely support trans people doing whatever the fuck they want with their bodies. And I don't mind seeing trans stuff. But with that said, I feel like the hundreds and hundreds of posts I see about trans people is not helping. Going off like this site and a few others I browse you'd think trans people are like 40% of people instead of more like 2%.

I feel like constantly putting them in the spotlight, even to say you support them is just contributing to this "trans awareness burnout" I hear about in a lot of my non-leftist conversations. I mean i almost never see posts saying stuff like "I support indigenous Americans/homeless people/etc". And not because we don't, but because it's so obvious we don't feel the need to talk about it. Shouldn't trans people be the same way?

Anywho I'd love to hear thoughts, change my mind or kneel to my clearly superior intellect and dialectical understanding. :kubrick-stare:

  • NoGodsNoMasters [they/them, she/her]
    1 year ago

    Going off like this site and a few others I browse you’d think trans people are like 40% of people instead of more like 2%. I mean it's probably not 40% but I think trans people tend to be pretty significantly overrepresented in these places, and a fair amount of the time it is these trans people themselves posting about being trans and trans issues. And no it's not fuelling the over focus on trans people, I'd say it's more of a consequence of it and the very rapid spread of anti-trans measures in the US (and to a lesser extent in some other places as well). Do I find it slightly annoying just by the sheer volume, yeah I do (and I'm trans myself), but it's pretty dumb to act like it's somehow harmful.

      • frankfurt_schoolgirl [she/her]
        1 year ago

        Quite honestly I think trans people are perfectly capable of posting cringe memes ourselves, but it does come off like that sometimes I agree.