This site is hilarious.

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    1 year ago

    I imagine it's because you don't have to do anything. You can just claim you're an "anarchist" because you don't think anyone should tell you what to do, and then instead of organizing and actually working towards anything you can just sit around being a pissant because you're not telling anyone what to do, so you've already achieved the kingdom of heaven, and it's everyone else who is wrong bc they keep telling people to do things like "wipe your ass" and "go to bed" and "stop hoarding property or face the wall your choice".

    Some kid was like "Well what do anarchists do about murderers and violent criminals" and I had to explain that being anarchists means you have no hierarchy with no coercive authority, not that you let people do whatever the fuck they want. If someone's hurting people you can do whatever the fuck you want to them as long as the community agrees. Hang em, exile them, make them pay wergeld, shun them, do a restorative justice process, fucking whatever. The important part is that it's a decision made by the whole community according to whatever process the community agreed on rather than someone who is given, but more realistically takes by force, the right to make decisions on behalf of the community. It doesn't mean you can just do whatever you want and everyone has to let you and no one can tell you it's bedtime. I swear that's just American individualist brainworms. People see "No government" or whatever it is they think they see and since they can only conceive of themselves as an atomized singleton with no community role or obligations they assume anarchy means they can do whatever they want and no one will stop them. Like i'm not an anarchist, I'm not up to date on the latest theory, but that's not anarchism, that's being an anti-social American prick who wants to shoot people for crossing their lawn. Kropotkin's whole thing was that cooperation and acting for communal benefit was a strong adaptation that enabled humans to reach our current dominant position and all the "nature red in tooth and claw" social darwinist every man for himself dog eat dog world stuff was deranged bullshit. I don't think most Americans, at least most white americans, can even understand the idea of being part of a community. Like this set of weirdos who claim to be anarchists but seem to think it means they can do whatever they want and don't have to consider how it effects anyone else don't think that anarchy is being part of a community where people are all engaged in cooperation and mutual aid, and they don't think about a community deciding whether someone's behavior is intolerable and taking action to cause that person to stop behaving that way, whether that means shooting them or explaining why they're being a problem and trying to find a way to resolve the issue that meets the needs of all parties. They just think statism is when people tell you you can or can't do something, and anarchism is when you live off grid in a camper with your dog and a thousand guns and shoot anyone who crosses your property. or they just don't think at all, idk. I ran it to a bunch of people online who called themselves anarchists, but got real mad at the idea of forcibly disarming Nazis because they thought it was authoritarian, And that was so perplexing I don't know what to make of it even months later. Because they certainly didn't mean "Taking another party's guns away is tantamount to coercive imprisonment so you gotta either kill them on the spot or leave them alone", which is a position I could understand and accept. They seemed to mean you couldn't do anything or you'd be an authoritarian, and you just had to wait for hte Nazis to come try to kill you and then try to kill them? Or something? It was really weird and incoherent and I'm probalby overthinking it by even crediting them with having a real idea.