I think long titles are fun so long as there's an easy way to refer to it briefly. One of my favorite novels (novellas?) is The Pilgrim's Progress, the full title of which is:
The Pilgrims Progress from This World to That which is to come: Delivered under the Similitude of a Dream Wherein is Discovered, the manner of his letting out; His Desired Journey; And His Safe Arrival at the Desired Countrey.
With that capitalization -- though depending on how you interpret fonts there may be some all-caps words -- and punctuation.
Thanks. Is the ellipses because the book has a long title?
The Fascist Offensive and the Tasks of the Communist International in the Struggle of the Working Class against Fascism
Brevity is bourgeois
Brevity is the soul of revisionism
I think long titles are fun so long as there's an easy way to refer to it briefly. One of my favorite novels (novellas?) is The Pilgrim's Progress, the full title of which is:
With that capitalization -- though depending on how you interpret fonts there may be some all-caps words -- and punctuation.