Seems a bit messed up to drag people who aren’t involved in your beef across the mud can't not post Asimov's review
I always love part about how if Orwell thought he could get away with it, he would have made Winston write with ink and quill.
Great burn.
I don't remember if this is explicitly stated in the book but I think it's implied that the IngSoc party got to power by opportunistically riding a wave of popular discontent. So the people at the top of the system knew that they weren't actually socialist but they used the language and imagery of socialists, jUsT lIkE tHe EvIl SoViEt RuSsIaNs.
the proles are too stupid for revolution
A party that got into power by calling themselves socialists while not actually being socialist?
: This is just like RUSSIA!
Why did the reactionary hack cop make the bad guys leftists in general in his elitist, misogynist novel, instead of making it more explicitly the sectarian polemic his supporters claim it was?
British writer makes the authoritarian villain of his novel an Irishman
He probably wanted to avoid referencing real groups to make the novel more timeless or generalizable