Howler Monkey use big words, howler monkey much brains ... Ooga, ooga

  • MF_COOM [he/him]
    1 year ago

    The 70 000 number comes from James Inhofe, the fossil fuel shill who took a snowball into the Senate once to prove the Earth's temperature isn't rising.

    I kind of hate this type of video though. There is no serious investigation about the truth of the claims of the MAGA chud, we're just supposed to assume that because he's the wrong type of person who likes the wrong politician he must be wrong. Just kind of feels like it trades on culture war shit.

    • DiltoGeggins [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      Personally I feel like this is actually kind of legit. This dude was given a chance to defend his argument and he refused or couldn't do it. I like to think he could not do it because he's a moron. And people need to see this, they need to see that members of the public who support trump are doing so carte blanche without grounding in any kind of reality. Was this particular guy over the top? Yes but he happened to be available for an interview.

      • GarbageShoot [he/him]
        1 year ago

        It's just pseudo intellectual spectacle of nearly the same ilk as Shapiro

        • DiltoGeggins [none/use name]
          1 year ago

          I personally don't agree with that. Shapiro lies in his interactions with people he interviews. This guy just appears to be asking for some proof to back up the maga claim. But I guess the guy's over the top, belligerent response just shows that the maga tactic can be effective in pushing a "both sides" perspective even though there are differences. Again jmo ..

          • GarbageShoot [he/him]
            1 year ago

            I'm not deeply familiar with Shapiro or anything (I don't hate myself like that) but what I've seen of him mostly does not have him lie in terms of statistics he repeats but use extremely faulty inference to come to false conclusions from that correct information. Anyway, my point isn't that they are identical but that the formula of live debate is already ineffective at changing minds or coming to "the truth of the matter," and it goes from silly to overtly masturbatory when you deliberately pick some troglodyte on the street to "debate" you when you are prepared and they are not, you have media training and they do not, and you know you can just not use the footage if you do poorly but they know they will end up being used in the footage if they do poorly.

            Maga guy is a moron but productions like this only serve to jerk off Dem partisans so they will be self-satisfied enough to not question why ghouls like Biden aren't actually making things better.

            • DiltoGeggins [none/use name]
              1 year ago

              but use extremely faulty inference to come to false conclusions from that correct information.

              That's a euphemism for lying, btw

              • GarbageShoot [he/him]
                1 year ago

                Not really? I mean, bullshitting probably, but usually people don't consider faulty inference to be lying (they consider false premises to be lies) and Shapiro is honestly stupid enough that he could very well believe his incorrect extrapolations a fair portion of the time. In classic debate club fashion, I think he's entirely unconcerned with the truth of the matter and just stringing together things that he believes will come off to the audience as correct.

      • MF_COOM [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Yeah the reason I disagree with you here is that if we're able to look past the register he uses, he's ultimately pissed about inflation, and that's actually a very reasonable thing for someone to be pissed at his government for.

        He's also pissed that when he talks about his concerns, instead of being like yeah dog actually I totally understand how you can be under threat by inflation this DaBiden apologist is like "ACKTUALLY it's not Biden's fault" like that kind of shitlib behaviour is also a very reasonable thing to be angry about.

        So is he right about every fact? No, but he's a regular person caught off-guard with a video camera in his face he didn't review his notes before the interaction, I'd probably have ended up saying something I couldn't back up with a source too if I was in that situation. That's not super meaningful.

        But instead of thinking about any of this we're just supposed to point and laugh at the ignorant republican, it just feels like a cheap and lazy way to feel satisfied that you're not on his side without having to engage with a human being.

        • DiltoGeggins [none/use name]
          1 year ago

          I really don't think this guy in the clip cares about any of the issues you're giving him credit for. The litmus test of course is, where were these people when trump was experiencing economy problems? Were they screaming in reporters faces about trump's performance issues?

  • livejamie [any]
    1 year ago

    HaVE you sEen gAS? aRE You hEre WITH uS? ON THIS PlANet? dO You CARe abOuT THe intEgrItY of tHis cOuNtry?

  • THC
    1 year ago

    Lmao damn you can see the moment where the non MAGA guy starts to get mad