lab-created murderer
Lab-created person who didn't turn to antisocial behavior until after people abused and shunned him for his appearance
This is the conservative’s default argument for every mass shooting, so it’s odd that they don’t agree with it here lol
IDK they usually jump straight to antidepressants or something these days
Anyway their brains are beyond broken now, the villagers bullying him probably makes the villagers woke or based depending on which chud and day you ask
I don't think it's the same people saying both of those things but yeah, collectively the message is horribly mixed
“What use is a liberal arts degree? Also, why don’t our journalists have a basic understanding of some of the most famous literature of all time?”
What's next, woke students with blue hair canceling Count Dracula as part of #METOO?!
Looney Toons wokesters turning "I vant to suck your blood" into "I want your consent to engage in intimate acts". FOLKS.
The dude in front of the curtain at the start who warns you it's a scary movie tells you what it's about right at the start. "It's the tale of a man who attempts to create life without first reckoning before god". Fucking right there in the first 3 minutes.
Oh sure, the geezers try to portray all nazis, even Hitler as sad and misunderstood all the time, but an imaginary monster that was totally friendly at first isn't fair game for redemption?