I am tired of people saying my prepubescent son is their daughter’s boyfriend.

I am tired of people thinking it’s cute to make toddlers kiss each other and invade each others’ boundaries.

I am tired of people putting kids in tshirts that objectify them by calling them “studs” or “hunks” or “eyecandy” or referencing a “future hubby” or literally just printing patriarchal beauty standards on them by depicting them as a big muscle man or a curvy woman in a bikini.

I am tired of people just defaulting to assuming that all children will end up in a cishet marriage and then will have biological children, in that order, as if any deviation from that path is an unforeseeable aberration.

I am tired of people excusing literal pedophiles for religious or political reasons and then accusing queer people of being groomers.

I am tired of people creating and maintaining entire industries and sports which systemically sexualize, abuse, and exploit children with minimal oversight.

I am tired of being painfully aware of child sex trafficking happening in my area which has gone unpunished despite involvement from CPS and local authorities. And then watching people spread stereotypes about child predators which describe literally none of the people responsible.

I am tired of being looked at like a predator for being at the playground with my child, first as a man, now as a visibly queer person.

I am tired of people romanticizing my relationship while rejecting all the queer aspects of me and my partner that make our relationship healthy.

I am tired of being reprimanded for teaching my kids age-appropriate information about sex which protects them from abuse. I am tired of the person reprimanding me raising a son who will literally never understand basic female anatomy because he’s being taught it’s icky.

0.000% of Communism has been built. Evil child-murdering billionaires still rule the world with a shit-eating grin. All he has managed to do is make himself sad. He is starting to suspect Kras Mazov fucked him over personally with his socio-economic theory. It has, however, made him into a very, very smart boy with something like a university degree in Truth. Instead of building Communism, he now builds a precise model of this grotesque, duplicitous world.

I am fucking tired.

  • it's pretty shit being on the receiving end of it as a kid. my parents and lots of people tried to push the "omg you're dating how cute" thing on me so much and it constantly made me feel really weird as a kid

    and then i grew up and got diagnosed as autistic and have been trying to shed decades of being made incredibly uncomfortable about relationships thanks to this cishet stuff

    all the best, comrade

    • JuryNullification [he/him]
      1 year ago

      This shit right here made me incredibly awkward with femme people until like my late 20’s. This kind of thing can fuck people up and all the adults think it’s hilarious and cute and you call them out on it and suddenly you’re the asshole for bringing the mood down.

      • i remain pretty awkward with everyone to the point of looking at therapy, and i'm in the same boat. i know nobody intended for it but when you're undiagnosed autistic and being unintentionally taught that relationship stuff = extreme discomfort = shame, it's hard to shake