
I know the democrats won't do either but people like Will Stancil (a rando) make me laugh. There's a legion of centrists who self-identify as progressive because they know how many people hate centrists.

  • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
    1 year ago


    "Hey - the dems control congress and the presidency. How about raising the federal minimum wage to be a livable wage?"

    "We don't have the votes."

    Then later than that...

    "Hey, the dems now have a greater majority than last time and they also control the presidency - how about now?"

    "We don't have enough votes."

    Much later...

    "Hey, the dems control congress by a widest margin this century and the dems control the presidency again - how about now?"

    "There are other priorities on the agenda that must be addressed first."