• UlyssesT [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Tbh there's a lot of cope in the comments here.

    If you're going to claim there's cope in the comments, I call out your apparent cope regarding some hope that billionaire vanity projects (involving literally grooming young people to be blood bags for the rich) will somehow trickle down for your personal benefit.

    Even if there's something to it, the chances of affordable age-defying treatments (that don't require grooming and preying on coerced young people) don't look good when insulin, right now, costs pennies to make and has thousands of percent markup, and that isn't even the worst of price gouging for medical treatments.

    If anti-aging research was being done in Cuba or China the comments would unironically be "damn gimme some of that youth energy Xi!!!!"


    You don't speak for everyone here when you claim that your apparent (I'd like to be wrong here but in the context of what you're defending in this thread, it's not looking good) hopes for sweet sweet youth serum at the expense of other people are universal cravings, as you are doing here by running interference on the actually ghoulish practice of draining the blood of younger people in the hopes it pays off for rich old assholes. The fuck kind of leftists would we be if we supposedly all craved to extend our lives at the expense of others around us?

    • bidenicecream [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      Where did I ever say that it's some kind of false dichotomy between using youth blood like a vampire vs affordable insulin? I think you're constructing some enemy in your head to get mad at. I fully support making healthcare dirt cheap and free for everyone, including any kind of anti-aging shit. And the blood bag thing is like one part of what he does. Go and his website and check it out, the rest of it is just supplements, exercise routines, and other shit that's supposedly optimized for anti-aging. He's going to be doing it anyways, so unless you have some kind of plan to organize and redistribute his wealth, your energy is better spent at least learning something from his experiments. Otherwise it's just impotent anger. I think you need to take a chill pill. Disengage.