It's all hatred against women to fuel male G*mers pipedream about hate fucking and murdering the opposite sex. yea Oh I'm sorry, these are "zombies" (also a stand in for immigrants) so it's permitted.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    1 year ago

    You immediately become hostile

    You called me "delusional" for saying worker abuse is still abuse, "privileged" workers or not. I said that was ableist concern trolling then you (CW: suicide)


    immediately demanded that I slit my own throat.

    Death threats and suicide demands therefore justified! frothingfash

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Your track record isn't looking good when you've already (CW: suicide, death threats)


        demanded I slit my own throat and that you want to murder me.


          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            1 year ago

            Cute. You didn't deny the suicide demand you already made. But with freeze-gamer Gater classic tactics, you're sea lioning the tiny part you can try to be pedantic about.

            (CW: death threat)


            I don’t wish death upon anyone but YOU you fucking removed

            • Albanian_Lil_Pump [he/him]
              1 year ago

              I’m done. You refuse to even humor the slightest possibility that I was trying to have a discussion and you just became hostile for no reason and pushed me into a corner. You win I guess. Congratulations.

              • UlyssesT [he/him]
                1 year ago

                I appreciate your efforts today because you demonstrated what a treat defender truly looks like, which compelled me to break a months long hiatus on using the word "treat" to describe the sort of thing that freeze-gamer like you will wish death and suffering upon others for if they are ever criticized.


    • CanYouFeelItMrKrabs [any, he/him]
      1 year ago

      I don't think they were considering view gore for animating Mortal Kombat to be abuse, so this conversation is very hard to follow since I don't think everyone is on the same page

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Being called "deluded" that early on and then the (CW: suicide)


        demand for me to slit my throat

        that followed one reply later then the claim that such a demand was justified because of my supposed lack of soured my interest in exploring whatever point that poster was trying to make about "privileged" creative workers.