• Tachanka [comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      Here is the the PCF's official statement, translated into English. their statement is very cordial, basic, and liberal in its tone. They basically want the cop convicted swiftly and they want the public to remain calm and nonviolent.


      click me

      Last Tuesday, in Nanterre in the Hauts-de-Seine, a roadside check operated by two police officers led to the death of Nahel, killed by a shot in the chest from one of them.

      Faced with the death of a 17-year-old, the emotion of the country's communists is immense. We extend our condolences to the family and loved ones of the victim. We salute the massive, dignified and serene mobilization last Thursday in Nanterre and support the mayor, Patrick Jarry and the entire municipal team.

      After the first hearings, the police officer responsible for the shooting was indicted for intentional homicide and placed in preventive detention. We call for all the light to be shed on the control and the murderous shooting of the policeman as soon as possible so that justice is served.

      Failure to comply should not result in death! The law of 2017, which widens the possibility of use of their weapon by police officers, must be repealed. The communist parliamentarians had voted against, denouncing the possible excesses. Racist acts and remarks, pointed out by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, against young people by certain police officers must be severely punished. The public debate must open to engage as quickly as possible a progressive policy, of proximity, for public peace with a republican police force close to the citizens, with the service of their waitings and their needs.

      On security, as on all public policies, millions of inhabitants, young people, employees, are abandoned by the Republic and have no right to respect, dignity, justice, decent housing, education, culture and recreation, and quality employment.

      This situation is no longer bearable! It is the result of decades of neoliberal policies, in the service of capital and to the detriment of the workers of the country, and of discrimination.

      The PCF supports “the appeal for popular youth” carried by several unions and associations demanding “an ambitious plan” to respond to all the problems it faces.

      The PCF calls for a Grenelle for the equality of territories and against all discrimination, bringing together all the actors and actresses of the municipalities and neighborhoods concerned, so that finally a policy commensurate with the challenges is decided and implemented with them.

      On Tuesday, July 4, we will present the first proposals that we are debating, including:

      A progressive policy of proximity to public tranquility.
      A plan for republican equality for all inhabitants by the return of public services in all our municipalities.
      A youth pact that engages the nation on major issues such as education, work and employment, social policies.

      We share the anger of all those who have seen the terrible images of control and shooting broadcast on social networks.

      It calls for a powerful and peaceful mobilization to obtain truth and justice for Nahel.

      It can in no way legitimize the violence of recent days!

      We strongly condemn all violence against persons and property, the firing of mortars and Molotov cocktails, which have disrupted the lives of thousands of residents of working-class neighborhoods, and the looting of businesses.

      The degradation of town halls and street furniture in our municipalities, our children's schools and other public services, associative equipment (neighborhood center, social center, etc.), police stations in our neighborhoods, employees' personal cars , seriously penalize the families directly affected and the entire population.

      The perpetrators of these crimes must be arrested and brought to justice.

      Not only does this violence in no way serve truth and justice, but we can see how it is used today by reactionary forces, in power, on the right and on the extreme right, to stigmatize entire neighborhoods qualified by some from “foreign enclaves” when they are, like all territories, a part of France, of its wealth, of its strength; consider all young people as delinquents when only a few degrade, ransack, loot to the detriment of all; reduce the life of these neighborhoods to the sole manifestation of violence; or even sow the seeds of civil war, as two police unions recently did, a declaration with seditious accents which must lead to sanctions. We oppose bans on demonstrations,

      The PCF brings its support and solidarity to all the inhabitants affected by the violence, to the families penalized by the destruction of services, to the emergency services, to the police officers and to all the volunteers of the associations, the public officials and local elected officials mobilized to protect and respond to the demands of the population.

      It is time to guarantee the safety of our fellow citizens and to meet the social needs of the inhabitants.

      It's time for the Republic everywhere and for everyone. A republic with a massive development of its public services which guarantee the effectiveness of its principles: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.

      For truth and justice for Nahel, against all violence, let's unite!

      French Communist Party.

      Paris, July 1, 2023.