• Call Me Mañana@lemmy.ml
    4 months ago

    There's some good people in the streets, mainly from the black and immigrant community, but I suppose these people are not really considered "American" there...

      • Call Me Mañana@lemmy.ml
        4 months ago

        I'm not judging you. My initial impetus for my comment was to say that I hoped all of Amerikkka would be nuked. Then I remembered my comrades there, including the indigenous people I forgot to mention earlier. We have to give them a fair country...

        And maybe that means killing most of the white population there.

          • Amerikan Pharaoh@lemmygrad.ml
            3 months ago

            I'm sorry sis; but this is the one place I disagree with you. I don't disagree with the "not assigned racist at birth"; but where I disagree is that I don't think those maladaptive teachings ever will 'come out in the wash'. Not without every single person who COULD pass on racist teachings to potential offspring going child-free or otherwise dying before they could conceive; and cutting it off at a generational level.

            For every out, loud, and proud bigot in Amerikan society, there's two dozen of the vermin under the nearest rotting log. I see it as the older brother to the incel movement; you can ban an incel off every mainstream social media platform on the planet, completely silence him, and he'll still find somewhere to stew with those of like mind. It'd take a catastrophe of size that has never been seen in this country, and a coming together that couldn't be imagined for me to believe that there'd ever be revolutionary potential in a white Amerikan.

              • Call Me Mañana@lemmy.ml
                3 months ago

                Sorry for the late response. I agree with you that re-education is a much better option because it really solves the problem. However, I totally disagree that white Americans have any chance of carrying out a revolution themselves, just as Western Europeans don't. Their entire revolutionary spirit has been co-opted by fascism. I think the only solution is foreign interference. I said nuke jokingly. I would do it along the lines of the denazification of the DDR.

        • MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml
          4 months ago

          Can't include the people that Amerikkka already purposely excluded, so they weren't targeted by your comment? Idk how to phrase it better rn.

            • MeowZedong@lemmygrad.ml
              4 months ago

              Anyone who isn't white, cis, and heteronormative is excluded to some extent by American society. If they aren't treated as "true" Americans, then you saying you want to nuke Americans would already exclude nuking those that Americans themselves chose to exclude.

              I just meant you didn't need to explicitly say you wouldn't also nuke comrades.

              • Call Me Mañana@lemmy.ml
                3 months ago

                Sorry for the late response. What I said was that my initial impulse was to nuke all of Amerikkka, but then I realized that by doing so I would hurt my fellow Americans, which includes the black community, the immigrant community, and the indigenous community. (As for the LGBTQI+ community, I couldn’t include all of them in that category, since being queer isn’t as much of a deterrent to being a Nazi as being part of one of those other communities is.) I ended up writing that I would like Amerikkka to fall as hard as Babylon, which in this case refers to Amerikkka as a country-system, not as a territory. In short, I wouldn’t nuke America, because they’re the ones who like to nuke others. Sorry if my previous comments didn’t make that clear.

        • kiljoy@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          4 months ago

          That actual racism out on display lmao. Replace white with black, indigenous, Jewish and you’d be banned in a second. You people are fucking deranged.

          • Call Me Mañana@lemmy.ml
            4 months ago

            "That actual racism out on display [...] Replace white with black, indigenous, Jewish and you’d be banned in a second"

            Reverse racist rhetoric? Where have I ever seen that? Oh, in white supremacists.

            Do you know why I would be banned if I exchanged white for absolutely any other ethnicity? Because, historically, it was the white elite that went out to exploit the rest of the world and created racism as a "scientific" justification for doing so. So, for any eventual "oppression" (OMG, the Call Me Mañana on lemmy.ml said that for my country to be fair the majority of the white population would need to die, I'm so scared) against white people be considered racism, you would have to rewrite history (and that's what white supremacists do, by the way).

              • Call Me Mañana@lemmy.ml
                3 months ago

                Sorry for the late response. Unfortunately, it is impossible to be racist against white people in the West, since they are the ones at the top of the racial system here. Still, it is not completely impossible all over the world, my fellow Armenians go through similar oppressions. This is absolutely not the case here. It is just some random guy on the internet saying that freedom of the human race will only be achieved with the end of white people in Amerikkka. Obviously chitchat in response to centuries of oppression, but you had to screw it up.

                When colored people enslave white people for centuries and then "free" them by throwing them into a segregationist system, and after much struggle change the laws, but still keep them as second-class citizens in practice, then you will be right to say that a white person suffered racism.

          • Egon
            1 month ago

            deleted by creator

            • kiljoy@lemmy.dbzer0.com
              4 months ago

              I'm not judging you. My initial impetus for my comment was to say that I hoped all of Amerikkka would be nuked. Then I remembered my comrades there, including the indigenous people I forgot to mention earlier. We have to give them a fair country...

              And maybe that means killing most of the black*** population there.

              *** I replaced white with black to hopefully have these people see how deranged they sound.

                • kiljoy@lemmy.dbzer0.com
                  4 months ago

                  How is that changing the argument? They are saying they want it murder a race of people, that’s fucked and they should be called out on it.

                      • Amerikan Pharaoh@lemmygrad.ml
                        3 months ago

                        Can't be supremacy if we were never once on top. Best case scenario is a "two-state solution", as it were. If you think the Black desire for self-determination and a state away from cracker base, systems, and superstructure is "supremacy", you've got a handful of ignorant microaggressions that it's on you to check.

                        Address the plank in thine own eye before attending to the splinter in thy neighbor's, peckerwood.


          • ShimmeringKoi [comrade/them]
            4 months ago

            Simply don't be part of the most then? There's nothing stopping you from just choosing to be cool right now

          • xkyfal18@lemmygrad.ml
            4 months ago

            Ignoring all historical context and making this bullshit claim is easy. Replace "X" with "Y" is NOT a valid argument.

            • Call Me Mañana@lemmy.ml
              3 months ago

              F=ma is completely a valid equation, replace "F" with "E" (energy) and suddenly is not. *removed externally hosted image*