I won't explain too much because my job is pretty niche and I don't want to get doxxed, but I've been promoted to "manager" recently. It's not the kind of manager you're probably thinking of like you'd see at fast food or retail places, I don't determine anyone's hours or pay or anything like that, but I am in charge of assigning work to the people under me and training new employees. The problem is I have to balance the work I do myself and the work I assign to other people. If I keep too much for myself then my bosses wonder why they keep the others around and they fire the peons and I get stuck with all the work. If I assign too much to the people below me then they wonder why I'm even around and I get put at risk of being fired. Obviously I want to keep my job because I have bills and shit but I also don't want to be the person who sits around all day and bosses the people who actually do the work around. I'm kind of just looking for advice.

  • ssjmarx [he/him]
    1 year ago

    If I keep too much for myself then my bosses wonder why they keep the others around and they fire the peons and I get stuck with all the work. If I assign too much to the people below me then they wonder why I'm even around and I get put at risk of being fired.

    I would say that if you're worrying about this, then you've already made the first step towards doing it correctly. At a previous job I was a "working manager" like this and I wrote the names of everyone in the shop and what they were doing on a white board in the office every morning, the chart included me and I made an effort to always be assigning myself tasks using the same process I did for everyone else and keeping everything transparent. Everyone knew what everyone else's workload was and so everyone knew that everyone was doing about the same amount of work, and as they completed tasks and I inspected them I would check it off or strike it through to give a nice visual indication to anyone who walked in that work was getting done.

    I was terrible at dealing with the higher ups though so read the other comment for that lmao.