Over the past several months Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur have taken increasingly transphobic stances, especially regarding trans women in sports but also more generally when it comes to trans youth getting access to gender affirming care.

They have begun to lash out at anyone that calls them out on where they are wrong and basically refused to learn. Recently Ana went so far as to defend Jesse Singal, who is very well known as a transphobe.

  • foobBar [he/him]
    1 year ago

    why are people always so eager to die on the jesse singal hill

    Pretty sure she cited listening to Blocked and Reported and not hearing anything transphobic. IIRC that's the same podcast that got the slop king banned from here (the guy with the torrent feeds of all the left podcasts). It's treat defenders all the way down folks

    cenk I'm not surprised, ana always seemed a bit better but I guess not. Their takes on trans issues are, or at least started out as, just uneducated and often falling into right wing bait, but their outright refusal to learn, and leaning into the right wing ragebait when confronted took it to a whole other level. They could honestly have most of the same disagreements and while they'd still get some justified hate from trans people, it'd be 10x less harmful, if they just learned a bit more about the topic and then aired their disagreements in a way that didn't platform transphobic fascists all the time.