Obviously a simplification/joke but curious how accurate it is and figured there would atleast be one person here who knows lol

  • kristina [she/her]
    15 days ago

    extremely accurate, esp the nail house in the middle of the highway

      • kristina [she/her]
        15 days ago


        Weird little quirk about Chinese housing law, asked a Chinese friend and they said there's usually a house or two per city like this. Usually they do get demolished by the time construction is done but construction companies really hate haggling for a price and the residents can just sit there until the construction company is fed up and pays out a big sum.

          • KhanCipher [none/use name]
            14 days ago

            Which is funny since if that scenario happens in the US (which is very rare as it would likely be 'sorted out' long beforehand), the construction company/developer will more often than not just run to city when they get fed up and next thing you know the holdout is being served papers for eminent domain.

            • Mardoniush [she/her]
              14 days ago

              China has eminent domain too, but if the construction company makes the government come down there they're gonna have a bad time.

        • Thorngraff_Ironbeard [he/him]
          15 days ago

          Never new what these were called. My Grandpa worked for a joint venture in China and said there was the one old lady who wouldn't sell and the just built the factory around her house.

  • Barx [none/use name]
    15 days ago

    Subway station in the middle of a field is borderline but everything else is pretty good

  • Krem [he/him]
    15 days ago

    not enough urban villages, they should be crammed between every other kinda-central highrise development. (if you're in eastern china they're the best place for sichuan food)

    also a city bigh enough to have a massive ring road would also have like three new train stations on opposite sides of the city. and many cities don't have an old train station, they went from no train straight to HSR like ten years ago.

    HOWEVER if the city does have an old train station, the area on the map labeled "hotels" are going to be the sketchiest type of hostels you've ever seen, catering to people just coming in from the countryside. see the hostel scene in Lost on Journey for reference

  • EelBolshevikism [none/use name]
    15 days ago

    those woke chinese are building too many houses! thats a lot of land that should be bought and kept to increase values and GDP

  • niph [she/her]
    14 days ago

    Missing a heritage university campus area, but other than that pretty good

  • CloutAtlas [he/him]
    14 days ago

    This is pretty accurate to Wuhan except there's like 3 ring roads and like 100 lakes. Even the position: Shanghai directly east, Beijing to the north and Guangdong to the south.

  • TRexBear
    14 days ago

    deleted by creator

  • TheWurstman [he/him]
    14 days ago

    First of all comrade shark fucker please refrain from fucking to many sharks they’re my favourite animal


    Imagine getting mad because there are efficient forms of city planning