Why is it okay for videos of people being brutally killed allowed on the internet?

  • Othello [comrade/them, love/loves]
    1 year ago

    do yall not think there is a healthy medium between treating all adults like children who cant watch nature and history documentaries and letting 12 year olds see decapitation videos. like this actually kinda an insane take. like imagine a world where no one understood the realities of anything, war, hate crimes, how your fucking food is made (wait till you find out how farm animals are bred especially pigs, since this site pretends to care about beastlality.) the impacts of war, genocide literally anything that goes on in the world. most americans live these ignorant sheltered lives, you're so separated from everything. do you know how many times i've hear irl, "slavery wasn't that bad" "waterboarding isn't torture" "animals are killed painlessly" "ill just have like two drinks before driving" Someone in this thread said that lynchings aren't ogre because theres no blood and gooey bits... buddy you haven't seen enough lynchings. every american NEEDS to see the action of their country, the guantanamo bay torch pics, eye popped out of corpses on trees, children dying in palestine. I don't believe simply describing these thing creates empathy or a tru understanding, people will do anything to ignore unpleasant truths. all the the most horrific gore ive ever seen was in classrooms in high school. we saw actual gore in class all the time, im sorry some of yall were sheltered, im not being an edgelord, some of yall are being so extreme in this comment section, I think you would have been better off being slowly alcimated to gore. we had to see a decapitated head in our driving class, the worst pictures of the holocaust ect. LIke i genuinely believe people need to see things to understand them, Ive seen so many minds change on things people thought they understood but didn't. imagine if the vietnam war wasn't being filmed everyday, there would have been no anti war movement, look at laos. And if you really cant function after seeing gore fine ignore it but making seeing any of the bad parts of life many of which we benefit from illegal is such a conservative mom take. sorry for the rant but yall done really ticked me off your ignorant bullshit. please learn to recognize a moral panic.

      • Othello [comrade/them, love/loves]
        1 year ago

        i wouldn't argue against that. im talking just about shit people live through that others turn a blind eye too. we must recognize the difference between educational/radicalizing content and exploitation. obviously the porn shit is sick. also ACQUAINTANCES???!!! AS IM MULTIPLE??? where did you find them, do they tell all people they meet about their snuff films? im so curious as to how that came up.

          • Othello [comrade/them, love/loves]
            1 year ago

            taken aback would be an understatement for me holy shit, i would have snitched to the boss so fast that's sexual harassment. although snitching at work tends to be high risk low reward. still that's wild friend sorry you met those weirdos.

    • thoro [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      I wasn't shown much in a classroom setting, but when I was younger, I did seek some out videos precisely because I knew I was sheltered from a lot of the darker aspects of the human experience and wanted to look behind the curtain in what was basically a safe, controlled environment.

      Some of the first videos I saw of people dying, besides like 9/11 I guess, were protest videos of protesters getting shot.

      Nowadays, I know I don't need to see that stuff anymore so I avoid it when I can, but what I watched left a strong enough impression to shape some of my politics and I believe help keep myself attuned to reality and realize the bubble I really live in.

            • Aliveelectricwire [it/its]
              1 year ago

              I agree with your post entirely. I'm from the Southside of Chicago and the first time I saw someone get killed in a driveby I was a fucking child. Being ignorant of what violence looks like is a privilege. Also please get some sleep? Edit: you can have one of my Ambien comrade