• UlyssesT [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Good metaphor; I've seen things in Golden Corral that still kind of haunt me. It's where hygiene and good taste go to die. grillman

    • RoabeArt [he/him]
      1 year ago

      Never been to a GC, but I've always heard horror stories involving the chocolate fondue fountain to the point I've made a mental note to avoid it if I ever find myself at the place. Lots of second-hand stories of double dipping and people sticking their fingers in it multiple times.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Licking fingers in a grillman way before scraping slimy paper money to flick at the cashier.

        "Boob money" where some "my daughter and I look the same age! maybe-later-kiddo " thinks it's acceptable, cool, and even hot to do a gesture like the above but instead pulling a sweat soaked bill from inside her bra, and expecting to get a stunned awooga face from it instead of a ok or even a debord-tired

        Littering on purpose. Like, not just apathy and negligence, but outright "fuck this place, those lazy poors are paid to sometimes clean it" and flicking used napkins away from the table, sometimes even dropping plates, glasses, or outright just throwing the greasy food on the floor. One time someone (CW: vomit)


        outright barfed on the table and his douchebag friends laughed and thought it was hilarious as they all just got up and left, then and there.

        I could go on but let's just say Golden Corral and I have a history. you-are-a-serf