Building off some good discussion in the other thread today. I’m thinking about how can white Hexbear users can be better here, and in leftist spaces, AND when we engage with the broader BIPOC communities? What are we doing wrong, and what can we do that’s better?

And I 100% get that’s it’s not on marginalized folks to explain it to us. I do. It’s just, at this moment I’m trying not to get overwhelmed with feeling like it’s just not possible to make the world better. Not even get us to socialism, just getting things to be a tiny bit better. I don’t know what else to do. So I’m reaching out to my BIPOC comrades with an open hand. If you feel like sharing, please do.

For the white folks, we need to be better. We do. It may not be comfortable to hear, but we do. Maybe we’re not as bad as the libs and the chuds on this but that’s not a valid measuring stick. Come on.

  • SaniFlush [any, any]
    1 year ago

    The thing is, the avarice is not working. We have the supposed easy life and it fucking sucks because it's still late stage capitalism. If abandoning luxury goods means that the people around me are far less miserable, that's not really "getting nothing in return", is it? Having less people suffering around me means that my day is better too.

    • DADDYCHILL [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      You ever watch the Atlanta episode on reparations? Its literally has to be like that. There needs to be some kind of tax on white people that directly goes to black people. Such a thing would cause a lot of discontent among whites, we need to push hard enough to get shit done but not too hard that whites don't cooperate, this isn't south africa we don't outnumber them yet.

      • SaniFlush [any, any]
        1 year ago

        Even a meaningful tax on billionaires would get us 75% of the way there… if only because most of them are various flavors of Anglo Saxon