• neo [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Coming back to this many hours later to just point out that Talia al Gul is equally nonsense as a villain. She's back in Gotham to complete her father's work. Her father, who she didn't know and didn't like because she was born in a prison.

    Then the whole time bomb element? They were planning on blowing up Gotham and themselves. They could've done this at any time. Why wait until the literal moment that time runs out? The plot of this movie makes such little sense because the characters motivations are so stupid. But they're not laid out plainly, so it's given an appearance of depth where there is none. It's just occluded.

    • ssjmarx [he/him]
      1 year ago

      The Dark Knight Rises really could have used a rewrite to clean up all of those problems, but the writers were on strike I think. The biggest one for me is when Bane starts the riots by revealing the truth from the last film - why would anyone in Gotham get the torches and pitchforks out over hearing that a guy whose been dead for eight years killed a couple cops and it was covered up? And why would their response to learning this information be to burn down the prison and free all the prisoners? The film should have smash cut from his big speech to some pundits arguing over whether or not it was true, and most of the city not giving a shit.

      • neo [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Good points. I think it's fair to say if anything they'd be complacent or even happy that the Dent Act is in effect, not just apathetic, because Americans only understand stories where the police almost caught the bad guy... but if only their hands weren't tied by the friggin' law!!

        A law where the police can catch all the bad guys? Sounds like a good thing! And in the movie it is, because it's not shown to be overreach. Anyone in prison is shown to actually be a Bad Person. The cops aren't corrupt or criminal, and no civilian is wrongfully targeted.

        Really, before Bane makes an appearance the only bad thing going on in Gotham is Bruce Wayne is depressed and withdrawn, which means he's not managing any of his philanthropic (lol) projects like funding the orphan boys' home.