If this is too close to sectarianism I get it, but I keep hearing about Marxist-Leninist-Maoists at the periphery of other discussions and all I know about them is:

  • they seem to be distinct from other Maoist tendencies
  • their name is often shortened to Maoist in conversation
  • the tendency is at least nominally a synthesis of Mao's writings into prior ML theory, done by someone named Gonzalo
  • their reputation among MLs seems to be deviant
  • I think the rapper Power Struggle alludes to being one, which is my sole investment in this question
  • Awoo [she/her]
    1 year ago

    Maoism = Gonzalo thought = "boiling babies is 👌 with me"

    Marxism-Leninism-Maoism = Marxism-Leninism applied to the Chinese conditions.

    All MLs are MLM under the right conditions. Maoists (gonzalo) are not MLs. MLs follow mao-zedong-thought (MZT) whereas the Gonzaloites discarded MZT when they decided to pursue something that had no support among the masses.