Title is a little misleading as they are referring to Death Valley - but it looks like records could be broken in a lot of areas of the southwest US with temperatures approaching 120 degrees.

We are entering the "find out" phase a lot sooner and quicker than even my pessimistic self could have predicted.

  • YuccaMan [he/him]
    1 year ago

    We had fans in our stock room where I worked, thank god, but when it got busy (which was often) we'd either be out in the storefront (which had no cooling at all save for some swamp coolers that were useless if you weren't standing in front of them) or outside loading heavy shit like boxed ceiling fans, big light fixtures, or full sized sofas into peoples' vehicles. We'd get pretty drenched as well, needless to say. And of course if you stood around in front of the coolers to allay the misery, our prick manager would hassle us back to work.

    Got to be nearly 100 degrees in there at times! I hydrated well and I'm used to the heat from all the time I spend out in the desert, and even I came close to heat sickness a few times. Fuck that place, and fuck Amazon too while I'm at it!