Campaigns are barred from accepting donations from foreign nationals.
Also - the limit is $3.3k.
We need to embargo Britain until they stop trying to manipulate our elections.
perfidious Albion attempting to interfere with our good and perfect democracy
what else would you expect from a man who's being controlled by a tiny man pulling levers inside his ass?
Clapton has always been a piece of shit. He was only popular because he had technical skills and made it easier for white dudes to transpose themselves as him without having to do difficult brain imaginings of race switching - too painful and mentally dissonant to imagine themselves as Hendrix.
TBF, having known a lot of old old bands (people who toured in the 60s/70s) Clapton wasnt the guy that started the white-bluesman thing Beck, Green, The Stones, Beatles ffs, all were well before him. He simply piggybacked off those bands 2-3 years before him. He was also the reason Cream broke up and Ginger went to Africa. He was a complete arsehole to his bandmates.
I love this Clapton joke. What's the difference between a four year old and a baggie of cocaine?
Clapton would never let a baggie of cocaine fall out a window