Image is of the drying Canelon Grande Reservoir in Uruguay as the country battles three consecutive years of drought, its worst in nearly a century.

Quoting every country and region that is currently suffering under unprecedented climatic conditions and posting every graph showing extremely concerning things happening would make this preamble way too long, so I'm gonna keep it short and merely say that, holy shit, the consequences of fossil fuel executives' actions are looking real fucking bad.

Hundreds of millions of people, if not billions, are currently enduring higher than average temperatures sometimes reaching up 48 degrees Celsius or 120 degrees Fahrenheit or even beyond. Drought is putting pressure on water supplies basically everywhere around the world. And El Nino is activating, which will only do further damage.

Here is the map of the Ukraine conflict, courtesy of Wikipedia.

Here is the archive of important pieces of analysis from throughout the war that we've collected.

This week's first update is here in the comments.

This week's second and third update have done the Dragonball Z fusion dance and created this long-ass thing that took me... a while to get done.

Links and Stuff

Want to contribute?

RSS Feed

Examples of Ukrainian Nazis and fascists

Examples of racism/euro-centrism during the Russia-Ukraine conflict

Add to the above list if you can, thank you.

Resources For Understanding The War Beyond The Bulletins

Defense Politics Asia's youtube channel and their map. I recommend their map more than the channel at this point, as an increasing subscriber count has greatly diminished their quality.

Moon of Alabama, which tends to have decent analysis. Avoid the comment section.

Understanding War and the Saker: neo-conservative sources but their reporting of the war (so far) seems to line up with reality better than most liberal sources. Beware of chuddery.

Alexander Mercouris, who does daily videos on the conflict. While he is a reactionary and surrounds himself with likeminded people, his daily update videos are relatively brainworm-free and good if you don't want to follow Russian telegram channels to get news. He also co-hosts The Duran, which is more explicitly conservative, racist, sexist, transphobic, anti-communist, etc when guests are invited on, but is just about tolerable when it's just the two of them if you want a little more analysis.

On the ground: Patrick Lancaster, an independent journalist reporting in the warzone.

Unedited videos of Russian/Ukrainian press conferences and speeches.

Telegram Channels

Again, CW for anti-LGBT and racist, sexist, etc speech, as well as combat footage.

Pro-Russian ~ DPR's former Defense Minister and Colonel in the DPR's forces. Russian language. ~ A few different pro-Russian people gather frequent content for this channel (~100 posts per day), some socialist (but still quite reactionary in terms of gender and sexuality and race, so beware). If you can only tolerate using one Russian telegram channel, I would recommend this one. ~ Does daily update posts. ~ Patrick Lancaster's telegram channel. ~ Another big Russian commentator. ~ One of, if not the, biggest Russian telegram channels focussing on the war out there. Actually quite balanced, maybe even pessimistic about Russia's army. ~ Russian language. ~ Russian language. ~ Russian Ministry of Defense. Does daily, if rather bland updates on the number of Ukrainians killed, etc. The figures appear to be approximately accurate; if you want, reduce all numbers by 25% as a 'propaganda tax', if you don't believe them. Does not cover everything, for obvious reasons, and virtually never details Russian losses. ~ Pro-Russian, documents abuses that Ukraine commits.


Almost every Western media outlet. ~ Pro-Ukrainian OSINT Discord. ~ Alleged Ukrainian account with a rather cynical take on the entire thing.

Last week's discussion post.

  • SeventyTwoTrillion [he/him]
    1 year ago

    The War Against The West

    The Western Front

    Putin says Russia would return to Ukraine grain deal if demands metAN

    The head of the UK's spy service has appealed to Russian citizens to help them counter the Russian government and bring the war to an end.Euractiv

    Responsible Statecraft discusses why Ukraine's counteroffensive is failing to achieve its goals, and argues in favor of diplomacy in order to save tens of thousands of lives which will be needed to reconstruct the country after the war.

    Slovakian arms corporations have seen their profits quadruple since the war begin.Euractiv

    Retrospectives, Analysis, History, Theory, and Technology

    JPMorgan Listed a “Lolita’s Closet” on the New York Stock Exchange for Jeffrey Epstein’s Money Man, Les Wexner WSoP

    About Limited Too, an Epstein-connected clothing store that marketed itself for girls aged 7-14, with some disturbing products and surveys aimed at those girls asking if they were good at giving massages.

    Is the US a Failed State?^Michael Hudson^

    Responsible Statecraft discusses a new book, War Made Invisible: How America Hides the Human Toll of its Military Machine.


    CW: This is usually bad news nowadays unfortunately, so if you don't want to hear about it, move on to the next section.

    Republican Lawmakers Look to Ban Pride Flags at Stonewall, Other National SitesAdvocate

    Louisiana Republicans Overturn Veto on Gender-Affirming Care for Trans Youth BanAdvocate

    80% of transgender Americans have considered suicide, 42% have attempted suicide and 56% have self-injured for non-suicidal reasons. Trans people have similar rates of alcohol and drug abuse to cis people, though.Advocate

    Lesbian Mothers Are Being Removed From Birth Certificates in ItalyAdvocate

    Ghana's high court has tossed a challenge to a draconian anti-LGBTQ+ bill. It was for a very "uhm, actshually" technical reason that I assume only gets used for these kinds of things.Advocate

    Same-sex marriage in Namibia is banned, and the participation, promotion, or advertisements of these marriages are now a criminal offense.AN

    Kenya is on the verge of making the LGBTQ+ movement even more illegal (homosexual sex can get you up to 14 years in prison, it could now get you the death penalty) by making it a crime to promote homosexuality through the use of flags or emblems.AN

    Dipshittery and Cope

    Oppenheimer: an American Stalinist tragedyRF

    Everything I don't like has deep ties to Stalin, including... ah, yes, an American president ordering American bombers to drop American nukes on Japanese civilians. And they say WE have the cult of personality - they can't stop thinking about the guy for a second.


    The US is proposing to designate 8,850 acres of beaches and 428,000 square miles (awesome use of units in this article) as a protected critical habitat for six green sea turtle populations.CD

    Gymnosperms that thrive in cold, high-elevation areas in the northwestern Himalayas are in decline.Mongabay

    Changes in temperature and precipitation may result in the burned Canadian forests in converting to grasslands rather than new forests growing.TS

    Mangroves in Kerala, India, are declining due to land conversions, illegal cutting, fishing, and sand dredging - the area of mangrove forests has declined by 90-95% over the last three decades.Mongabay

    Canada's TC Energy has asked US federal regulators to approve a cost-saving plan that would expand a regional natural gas pipeline's capacity, in contradiction with climate policies in California, Oregon, and Washington. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission will likely not reject the proposal and there's little those states can do about it.DeSmog

    Michael Roberts covers the ongoing heatwaves and climate chaos.MR

    I Love My Trans Comrades!