title tone indicator: heavy sarcasm

  • SuperNovaCouchGuy2 [any]
    1 year ago

    Oh so you're not an arrogant pontificating insufferable passive aggressive pseudointellectual american? Sorry, my kind gentlesir, but I didn't need to construct anything and my assumptions are based on cold, hard, girthy facts:

    1. "this is just how I communicate" - exactly, its your goddamn right as an american citizen to be a disrespectful piece of shit and everyone else who is "offended" should suck it up, the same damn selfish mentality behind the system currently rotting the planet.

    2. "there's no point in talking to you further." - fuck do you think you are hombre? As if people should be honored to talk to you, what a pontificating pseud

    3. "but let's attempt to maintain a measure of intellectual honesty." - fuck right off man, as if you have the damn credentials to talk down to someone else in this way on a bloody pigposting website using some imagined form of intellectual superiority, jesus christ look around you and come back down to reality

    All in all this sort of reaction to someone who was engaging with you patiently and in good faith is fucking mental, incredibly passive aggressive, disrespectful, bratty, and out of the damn left field. Even if you do have a degree, you're one of those pseuds who thinks that being smarter gives you an excuse to behave in a shitty manner to people, despite them engaging with you politely and in good faith, just because you think they* are dumber than you. You're a pathetic basket case, mate, really need a bit more self awareness yeah? Until then you bloody well deserve the hostility that you get. Damn shame that you shit where you eat like this, just that where you are shitting is also my beloved bear website and I'm not happy about that.