Every couple of weaks, I get to hear an article about how the Afghan government is being mean to women. I've yet to hear a single whisper about opium farming. And all the discussions of the US State Department seizing Afghani financial reserves and condemning the country to a famine have also seemed to drop off the map.
You have to hand it to the Taliban, they're pretty good at reducing opium production.
You do not, under any circumstances, have to hand it to them.
As a German, I was gonna comment on how awkward "AmeReicha" is as pun but then I remembered that English-speakers pronounce it as "Rike" and it made a lot more sense
The vowels are correct, but the German "ch" sound doesn't really exist in English. This is a 60 second explanation if you're curious.
That's the sound at the end of "Reich", I get why English-speakers just pronounce it as "k" but it really isn't close at all.
sounds like a palatal fricative ('ç' on this chart)
I would explain that to English speakers as a making a "sh" sound but with the tongue on back of the roof of the mouth instead of behind the teeth. Is that right?
line is going up AND it's going down. how the fuck am I supposed to know if this is good or not
Does that mean more or less capital for the country to develop? Is the trade off aligning with moral values and ensuring more regular taxation and food security?