This is a tricky one.

People know the neoliberals are screwing countries with austerity, with debt & interest. That's easy to see.

But Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is a key to the neoliberal Washington Consensus and it's harder to argue against. It's also a big part of Deng's reforms.

So what would you say to someone who says that global capitalism is good because it helps develop countries by direct investment?

  • PKMKII [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    Also worth noting that China has been much more willing to amend the terms of their FDI to meet the needs of the country in question.

    The “wrap it in plastic and slap a Made in USA” thing is especially prevalent with Buy America provisions in government contracts. There are a lot of sectors where products just simply aren’t produced in America anymore (speakers are a good example), so to satisfy the requirements they pay contractors to literally just screw in the last few cosmetic bits on a product otherwise made overseas so it’ll fit the “Made in USA” regulations.