Kate Austin, born on this day in 1864, was an American journalist and anarchist feminist known for her essay "Woman", which disparaged scientific efforts to prove women's inferiority to men and urged society to abandon sexist customs.

Born in LaSalle County, Illinois, Austin lived in the American Midwest for most of her life. In 1883, her father discovered Lucifer, an anarchist/free love journal published by the feminist Moses Harman. This influence coupled with the Haymarket Riot of 1886 politically radicalized Austin, bringing her to call herself an anarchist and a feminist.

Austin joined the American Press Writers Association, and her work increased as she came in contact with many well known radical writers and lecturers of her time, keeping her busy reading and writing. She contributed to the magazine Lucifer, as well as The Firebrand, Free Society, Discontent, and The Demonstrator.

"As for intelligence, my sex has already experimented with that ingredient, and found it like mother Eve's forbidden fruit: Very Good."

  • Kate Austin

Kate Austin - Various Authors

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  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    1 year ago

    Just had one of those "Well capitalism bad, and I don't know what Communism is but Stalin CCP big spoon gulags, so we have to find a third way"

    No, they don't know what that would be, or how it would work, or how they'd prevent the capitalist tendency towards monopoly. All they know is communism bad, so we have to do something that's not communism.

    • Frank [he/him, he/him]
      1 year ago

      Followed within an hour, as is generally the case, by a discussion of how income in the US has fallen dramatically, idiot billionaires are ruining everything, giant corporate monopolies are extorting people for housing, and privately owned utilities charge abusive prices for poor quality but essential services.


      I am going to becalm the jongleur. 🎺 🎸 marx-joker marx-guns-blazing marx-joker 🎸 🎺

    • forcequit [she/her]
      1 year ago

      No campaigner Mr Mundine said he did not take lectures from anyone affiliated with the Yes campaign, likening one board member to a Nazi.

      "They've got a communist sitting on their thing [board] and a communist is just as bad as a Nazi," he said.


      • Frank [he/him, he/him]
        1 year ago

        He wants to blood test first nations people, to make them prove they're indigenous enough for his cracker ass to take pity on them?
