Most of it is absolute schlock about how engaging with China economically and socially is destroying "democratic capitalism" sicko-wistful. Let's skip past the shit we've all read a hundred times before to see what these Nat-SocSec ghouls are proposing.

China has long targeted U.S. universities, think tanks, and research institutes to extract economic gain and advance its own ideological agenda ... U.S. law should be changed to prohibit these institutions from entering into any partnerships with China-based and affiliated entities. Any funding flowing from one nation’s institutions to the other’s must be stopped.

Targeting universities will surely help you staunch the brain drain of top scientists and researchers of ethnic Chinese background back to China. Good thinking on stopping the flow of money into think tanks though, I'm sure China will enjoy tit-for-tat laws against any NGO taking NED money. Absolutely a net win for China.

Washington should also seek to raise the reputational stakes for public figures by calling them as witnesses before the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party to testify about their experiences with the CCP and their operations in China. The CEO of the Walt Disney Company and the commissioner of the National Basketball Association, for instance, would both make excellent witnesses.

Freedom and democracy can only be defended by the democratic mechanisms of...

checks notes


Ideally, other developed economies would break from China, as well. But collective action is not necessary and a hard break remains the best course for the United States, regardless. For Washington, preserving democratic capitalism must be the nonnegotiable starting point; other policy priorities are secondary to that imperative. A commitment to free markets has meaning only if it is matched with the actions necessary to ensure that the U.S. market remains free. That objective can still be achieved by going it alone and is preferable to not going at all.

Sanctioning the rest of the word has worked out so well since 2022. Surely doubling down on it won't choke the US economy of the vital raw materials and manufactured goods it relies on. How long can the US economy run without rare earth minerals or medical products?

China also uses the powerful incentive of market access to force American investors into promoting its propaganda. The United States cannot outbid these incentives, nor should it. What Washington can do is lower the economic stakes by foreclosing profits in China. U.S. law should impose cultural export controls that prevent U.S. firms from making profits on the sale of films, musical recordings, broadcasts of sporting events, personalized footwear and apparel lines, and live performances in China.

Wait holy shit I take everything bad I said about this article back. Full support to Comrade natsec ghoul in his holy Jihad against Marvel Movies.
