• OrcaAntiyachtVanguard [they/them]
    1 year ago

    Matthew 25 is a parable about stewardship, and how one should try to improve with what they're given - the last line there is directed to a man who was entrusted with a bag of gold, and instead of doing anything with it simply buried it. It is still some prosperity gospel bullshit though, as it's presented with the framing of a slaveowner expecting investment returns from his slaves - it Ain't Good, that's for sure.

    Matthew 10 is in the context of an argument between family, not Jesus coming to rend families forcefully apart. The full passage is about how what the disciples are going out to preach will cause divisions, because they're preaching something new that goes against what was at the time the ruling class, which sounds a bit familiar to me.

    I don't disagree that the Bible has some fucked up shit, and that it has been used to justify some of if not all the world's most heinous events, but I'd like to think we're all better than reddit-logo atheists grabbing single lines from larger passages.

    • VILenin [he/him]
      1 year ago

      I absolutely love being called a stormfront atheist for being too harsh on fucking Christianity. I’m sorry, next time I’ll write you a fucking thesis dissecting the entire religion.

      I spent years and years of my childhood being terrorized by these people only to come here and get scolded for being a big meanie. I got near daily death threats and attacks so ex-fucking-cuse me if I’m a little upset. Not real Christianity. Not real Christianity. Not real Christianity. Always the same fucking line.

      I have absolutely zero patience for someone whose first instinct is to leap to Christianity’s defense. I was nearly driven to suicide by Christians but I guess I should’ve given them a second chance.

      I want the soviets back. At least they didn’t pearl clutch about how we need to respect Christianity.

      • OrcaAntiyachtVanguard [they/them]
        1 year ago

        I apologize, that all came out harsher than intended. I do agree, as a religion Christianity has pretty much been the dominant for the worst shit the world's dealt with. My home country had Christian-backed genocides well into the 90s, and that shit is inexcusable.

        It came from me finding liberation theology an interesting concept, but not if it comes at the cost of harming comrades - that's equally inexcusable. I'm sorry, comrade.

        • VILenin [he/him]
          1 year ago

          I’m sorry as well for the way I reacted. I’m extremely sensitive when it comes to discussions of Christianity because of what I went through as a kid. I know not all Christians are irredeemably evil people but the base religion is to me what I imagine the devil must be to an orthodox believer.

      • Sephitard9001 [he/him]
        1 year ago

        I simply can't take religious people seriously, especially people who seem to know about historical/dialectical materialism. On one hand, I can see how the "epic reddit atheist debater" attitude is fucking annoying, but on the other hand, they're not exactly wrong.

        We have the tool required to analyze modern contradictions and resolve them. What are you gleaning from ancient texts that are filled with back-to-back pages of instructions how to create the exact opposite society we want? It would be bad to cherry pick and quote mine from Mein Kampf to form your ideology. It's also bad to do that with the Bible.