OrcaAntiyachtVanguard [they/them]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • I'm legitimately afraid of what happens at the end of this war, because it seems like it'll just be an ethnic cleansing or outright genocide of Russians.

    Libs have become so frothing in their hatred that they can't turn it off anymore. Every Russian is a threat to them, so even if the war somehow ends in Ukranian victory they'll want every Russian expelled or ostracized, or worse if Russia wins. And of course libs want Russia to Balkanize, which they'd love to use as a way to culturally genocide them: only Russians from the Balkanized states allowed and all that.

    But of course libs in the west aren't able to tell the difference between Russian and any other language from eastern Europe, so there's gonna be so many hate crimes even against Ukranians.

  • Christ, I haven't seen that tier of edgy atheism and Islamophobia since the early 2010s of Reddit yea

    Edit: fuck me. Someone wrote a thread about why so many posts are Islamophobic and one guy said something on the order of: Christianity is on the decline and isn't being used to justify bad stuff anymore, whereas Islam is currently the dominant religion doing bad stuff in the world

    Lemmy is fucking lucky we're not federating, I want to Pig Poop Balls these dorks so fucking bad

  • While I disagree with his "just move, silly" attitude, he's not completely off base. North American cities are so fucking shattered by car dependence that it would take a full communist revolution to even begin to set it right. It would cost several hundreds of billions just to overhaul (or in some cases begin work on) transit projects, and any project attempted in the current day is at the mercy of NIMBY fucks and the whims of local governments. It's just not feasible for 95% of North America.

  • Matthew 25 is a parable about stewardship, and how one should try to improve with what they're given - the last line there is directed to a man who was entrusted with a bag of gold, and instead of doing anything with it simply buried it. It is still some prosperity gospel bullshit though, as it's presented with the framing of a slaveowner expecting investment returns from his slaves - it Ain't Good, that's for sure.

    Matthew 10 is in the context of an argument between family, not Jesus coming to rend families forcefully apart. The full passage is about how what the disciples are going out to preach will cause divisions, because they're preaching something new that goes against what was at the time the ruling class, which sounds a bit familiar to me.

    I don't disagree that the Bible has some fucked up shit, and that it has been used to justify some of if not all the world's most heinous events, but I'd like to think we're all better than reddit-logo atheists grabbing single lines from larger passages.

  • It's less about the effectiveness and more about setting up future atrocity propaganda. When China inevitably begins targeting every cargo aircraft, the West can clutch their pearls and go "that aircraft was loaded with humanitarian supplies destined for a small village!" Which could absolutely be true, and now causes a choice: possibly let a cruise missile be launched from anywhere at any moment, or risk a major international incident.

    Similar shit happened with Q ships in WW1 and 2, the Germans just began targeting every vessel, even seemingly unarmed passenger liners, because of how often arms were being smuggled in or the ships were being used as anti sub ships.