2560x1440, featuring the cover artwork of (from left to right) Foundation, Foundation and Empire, and Second Foundation.
makes sense given that psychohistory is just dialectical materialism (with math)
I thought these were by Isaac Asimov
Edit: oh shit you mean the art lmao
Man discovers dialectic materialism, universe proceeds to spend the next several millennia proving him correct.
Definitely! I feel these three novels in particular show the Asimov turns (setup, subversion, double-subvert) very well, and the cover art captures that essence somehow.
I feel like I'm seeing the arrow in the FedEx logo for the first time.
I felt the same way. Each is very interesting, but there is definitely something with them side by side. That inspired me to make this.
If we're throwing out Asimov recommendations I highly suggest his scathing review of 1984