NSFW, CW ableism/slurs against neurodivergents

They have very ableist images on their site, the user posting them isn't banned, nor is their comment deleted. At least some bit account calls them out on it. I will not directly link to the user's profile as it contains a flashing image useful to trigger epileptic attacks.

During only the thread in regards to the hexbear de-federation alone I encountered several -isms which would have gotten you banned on hexbear. This means that the lemmy dot world mods and part of its user base are "asshats" and couldn't be trusted in many hexbear communities.

Edit Since posting the link to the comment doesn't work anymore. I was on the edge whether to post it or not, but think in regards to the current federation / de-federation questions going on we ought to be quick at banning users if they reproduce hard ableism.

Warning flashing image!

Here is the mentioned user's profile https://lemmy.world/u/gsa32

It is obvious that they are not even following the "be friendly" dot world code of conduct and ableism is accepted on the instance.

Collection of infractions lemmy dot world doesn't fix CWs

User Aux with anticommunism, but more importantly also ableism:

/u/zombuey writes: these people really crossing the line between “ideology” and mental illness.

Bit Account: well said one step into their tankie cave and you can see how many are infected by the woke mind virus

Aux: Their ideology IS a mental illness.

Aux: As you know, I’m anti-defed. But in this instance I’m with admins. Hexbear is a cesspool for genocidal lunatics.


I can usually tell how mentally ill someone is by how often they use the word “woke” lol

Implying more ableism:

I read this mostly like “they seem like a bunch of assholes so we’re defederating so we don’t have to interact with a bunch of assholes”. Cause the folks on Hexbear seem intense (sic!) compared to lemmygrad, etc. I know it’s really the anti-NATO stuff, but eh.

One good, but dowvoted user though: https://lemmy.world/comment/1973239

  • Awoo [she/her]
    11 months ago

    They have very ableist images on their site, the user posting them isn't banned, nor is their comment deleted.

    I think it's worth noting that "schizo" seems to be the new favourite word among certain far-right communities too. I would call it the replacement for "cuck", which historically they used as a replacement for "f*ggot". "Schizo" has become one of my goto words that IDs chan-style fascists.

    This is probably a Exploding Heads user alt account.

    The reason none of these have been acted against is the usual reason. They are doing so in service of liberalism, so it's ok. Liberals are happy to ally with fascists and/or demonstrate that they have absolutely no principles by not taking action against people and going selectively blind to things being reported if the users breaking the rules are doing so against targets that they want to see that behaviour against.

    What they're oblivious to here is the fact that this creates a nazi bar syndrome.

    • CannotSleep420
      11 months ago

      I thought of it more as a replacement of the r slur, only it emphasizes insanity instead of stupidity.

      Edit: kind of like how autistic was used like the r slur, but with more emphasis on social ineptitude.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        11 months ago

        It does but I'm more talking about chan culture here. Historically the fascists on the chans have a single word that they use over and over and over again. Back in the early days it was "f*ggot", that later changed to "cuck", and now it's transitioning to "schizo".

        Anyway I have had your experience on lemmyworld with reporting ableism, they do not act on it. It is acceptable to use mental illness as an insult there.

        I also noted in my time there that they almost never actually punish people for anything either, they do comment removals from time to time (on things only they want to) but those almost never also come with temp or permabans. This seems rather pointless to me, you can't alter the behaviour of people if they don't even know that they've had mod actions against them or get some kind of punishment.

        This probably all comes back to Antik who appears to be the head admin and really seems like he has no experience whatsoever in running any reddit-like community. Which is bound to slowly create a nazi-bar. I'm willing to bet that others below him disagree or have discomfort about certain things but are incapable of speaking up, likely because they fear how it would impact them. This was pretty typical in reddit hierarchy team dynamics when dealing with a topmod who behaves like a tyrant.

    • BelieveRevolt [he/him]
      11 months ago

      I wouldn't be surprised at all, the user who posted that picture gives off very sus-deep vibes.

      • Awoo [she/her]
        11 months ago

        I don't really trust my machine if I visit that site so I won't, but I respect you for finding that.