Link to this fucking nerd:

So Ana Kasparian from TYT did the classic: 'The left's focus on identity issues divides us! I'm done with it!' stupidpol after being called out for being a TERF and repeating typical transphobic right-wing rhetoric, which she constantly doubles down on.

This TYT LIB called Ben Burgerfucker maybe-later-honey decided to defend her, while proudly proclaiming himself to be "socially progressive" lenin-sure and "pro-gay & trans rights", yet thinks calling out a fellow LIB for spreading blatant transphobia is "identitarian scolding and purity-testing". hypersus Having believes means absolutely nothing to these idiots. Liberals will gladly defend TERFs as long as they're politically aligned with them.

It's always the same shit with these types of assholes. Conservatives do their culture wars, spread false narratives and implement laws criminalizing trans people's existence, and then when we defend ourselves and push back against the lies and bigotry that spreads even among supposed 'allies', all of a sudden we're the ones responsible for the culture wars and being "identitarian". agony Fuck off. And like any good class reductionist does, pretend like standing up for a minority and caring about their struggles is a distraction from class politics and fighting for better material conditions, maybe-later-kiddo just to hide the fact that you never really cared about said minority's struggles in the first place, and will gladly throw them under the bus because you don't care what happens to them. Also, the TYT are LIB, yet they'll conveniently pretend they care about improving material conditions. dont-laugh

And yes, in that video Kasparian used the term "identitarian" jesse-wtf to refer to intersectionality on the left. That term is literally used by Pan-European ethno-nationalists to describe their fash ideology, and she's trying to equate us with them. visible-disgust Another typical chud strategy. But apparently it's working for her audience, because even fucker Ben, the so called 'socially progressive' wanker is using that term now, and can't fathom how any of that is characteristic of someone shifting to the right, wonder-who-thats-for because like the typical LIB he is, he doesn't want to look in the mirror and admit he's full of shit, and that his social progressivism is just performative bullshittery.

Every single day I lose more faith in these so called 'allies'. desolate Fucking useless.

My rant is over. Gonna grab some more ganja to relax. rust-darkness stalin-smokin

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    1 year ago

    emphasize universal material issues

    There's that muh materialism leftist-baiting totem word again. It's like how expert-shapiro uses "logic" "reason" and "facts" in a sloppy way that sounds authoritative but is misusing the words for petty and selfish ends.

    I used to assume it was just an occasional Hexbear thing to defend treats, but I'm seeing it more often elsewhere now. debord-tired

    • Pisha [she/her, they/them]
      1 year ago

      There's an Engels quote I can't find right now where he states that in retrospective, he and Marx focused so much on idealism as their enemy that they may have neglected to criticize vulgar materialism adequately. Judging from the worst online leftists, that's obviously correct.

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        1 year ago

        There's an Engels quote I can't find right now where he states that in retrospective, he and Marx focused so much on idealism as their enemy that they may have neglected to criticize vulgar materialism adequately. Judging from the worst online leftists, that's obviously correct.


        And that sort of overcorrection against idealism allows a lot of commodity fetishism (and even more juvenile bullshit like Nintendo brand tribalism and the like) to run rampant with a "materialism" sticker masking it as leftist discourse.

    • WoofWoof91 [comrade/them]
      1 year ago

      it's what's come to be known as "vulgar" materialism, basically people going into analysis half cocked because they only have a vague idea of what materialism is

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        1 year ago

        There's an even more vulgar materialism that has the stench of Justin Roiland and his fandom on it that usually involves edgy reductionistic statements about how consciousness/love/insert-concept-here doesn't exist or "is just chemicals" which is implied to mean it is meaningless, unlike being a smug nihilistic asshole which apparently transcends such fetters.

        • train
          1 year ago

          deleted by creator

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            1 year ago

            They're expecting a supernatural exception even while pretending they're not expecting a supernatural exception, because they are the smartest. very-intelligent

            Same deal with "love is chemicals therefore love is meaningless" Roiland level brainworms

        • SerLava [he/him]
          1 year ago

          I love that. I think not enough nihilists have been exposed to that and had it blow the nihilism out the back of their heads

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            1 year ago

            In my experience, exposure to that webcomic dunking on them just makes them very mad. No counter-argument given. Just caring a lot about the concept of not caring at all and being especially passionate about their investment in not caring. frothingfash

            • SerLava [he/him]
              1 year ago

              Oh yeah I actually meant your point but the comic is a great chaser for that point hahah.

    • SexUnderSocialism [she/her]
      1 year ago

      yea I used to think it was mostly a thing only turbo LIBs did, but I've run into plenty of leftists who will try to shut down a meaningful conversation when you bring some sensible criticism or analysis to the table, because the treats are under attack.

      Let people enjoy things! Can't criticize muh treats. NOOOOO

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        1 year ago

        I know those people pretty well, and even occasionally run into them offline. They tend to bring out the old "things I like are materialist and anything negative you have to say about those things is idealistic/wokescolding/naive/very online/unhinged/ableist-concern-trolling-here" wildcard as a first line of defense. debord-tired