1. Why does China, a socialist country, have mega corporations like Tencent and Bytedance? Are they collectively owned by syndicates or unions? If this is a transitionary phase to socialism, can we trust China to actually enforce Socialism after this stage ends?
  2. Child Labor in factories: Myth or Fact? I have a Chinese friend who said he personally never worked as a child in China, but obviously if this was true not every single kid would have worked in a factory.
  3. Surveillance and Social Credit: are these myths, or are they true? Why would China go so far to implement these systems, surely it'd be far too costly and burdensome for whatever they'd gain from that.
  4. Uighur Muslim genocide: Is this true?

Thank you to anyone who answers, and if you do please cite sources so I can look further into China. I really appreciate it.

edit: I was going to ask about Tiananmen Square, but as it turns out that literally just didn't happen. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/wikileaks/8555142/Wikileaks-no-bloodshed-inside-Tiananmen-Square-cables-claim.html



  • BynarsAreOk [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    funding both the Palestian authority and the Israeli IDF is not socialistic by any stretch of the imagination, not matter how far certain people might want to desperately stretch their interpretation of it through mental gymnastics whereby they're somehow playing both sides in a historically progressive way; if China started actively supporting revolutionary movements and foreign leftists more seriously then people on this site who otherwise forgive their policy through real-politik interpreted as historically progressive foreign policy would champion it, but you can't have it both ways).

    China can't have their cake and it too when it comes to FP, you are absolutely right they did not chose the socialist path here.

    China's FP rethoric is basicaly entirely centered on being the opposite of American imperialism, instead of debt intervention(IMF traps) they do cheap/interest free; instead of military presence they focus on humanitarian aid or infrastructure financing; instead of venture capital exploitation they focus on bilateral relations and so on.

    With that it means they have to deal with every single crooked corrupt and specialy even regressive right-wing if not outright fascist governments out there including in the ME for example. Yeah nobody here should mistake multipolarity and fighting American imperialism with the explicit support of shitholes like Saudi Arabia, Israel, Iran etc.

    But the path the CPC chose means they have to embrace this embarrassment and contradiction or else their entire rhetoric falls apart.