It's personal preference for me, but having played almost every D&D CRPG in the past, from the previous Baldur's Gate entries to Icewind Dale and Neverwinter (and even the old "gold box" AD&D titles such as Pool of Radiance), I've found that I am bored and sick and tired of Illithids whenever they show up. They don't do anything for me and games that have them as a plot point have often been a tiresome slog where I have to get past the part with them in it before I can start having fun again.

For me it's a WOTC/Hasbro property flex they seem to need to keep flexing over and over again because they own it and so I was hoping BG3 had stories and settings and maps that don't feature yet more psionic slavery brainvore fuckery.

That's making me hesitate about my purchase, because I don't know how much of it to expect but the trailers and basic plot pitch on Steam made me worry. debord-tired

  • Alaskaball [comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    I've played it since it was pre-released. Intro bits got the most of the illithid stuff in it and after you hit solid ground and can explore the world it takes a pretty big step to the backburners for a while, beyond some dice roll choices that you can optionally take in some conversations.

    I know anyone's free to choose how they want to play, but I suggest trying Bard out. Although I hear paladin is a lot more popular among the normies.