Lol yh I agree that can be annoying, he's also responding to criticisms he preempts in his time, rather than ours, so it's natural some of what he's referring to might not be clear to the modern reader. But this lack of clarity is an extrinsic rather thern an intrinsic issue he can't really be blamed for. That's an issue where the editor should be making clear with footnotes and endnotes what the context is so that the modern reader can understand wtf Marx is talking about.
"Hey this guy makes a lot of sense!" (ghost of Marx interrupts) You might not agree with me, let me go on for a few pages... :agony:
Lol yh I agree that can be annoying, he's also responding to criticisms he preempts in his time, rather than ours, so it's natural some of what he's referring to might not be clear to the modern reader. But this lack of clarity is an extrinsic rather thern an intrinsic issue he can't really be blamed for. That's an issue where the editor should be making clear with footnotes and endnotes what the context is so that the modern reader can understand wtf Marx is talking about.