• kristina [she/her]
    5 days ago

    The Dyson sphere thing is probably just some weird fucking cloud in the way that's acting as a magnifying glass or some kind of interference

  • riseuppikmin [he/him]
    5 days ago

    Communist aliens on hexbear are legally required to tell us you exist

    • DragonBallZinn [he/him]
      5 days ago

      Imagine the poor guy who has to explain this website to his alien group of scientists.

      "Sir, these earthlings get their laughs by calling for others to read this thing called "theory", yet they never seem to get around to reading it themselves. They also get their laughs by spamming this picture of a pink earthling that defecated on its enlarged gonads."

  • radiofreeval [any]
    5 days ago

    The Dyson sphere isn't totally sensationalist. There isn't really an explanation for why those 60 stars are so much hotter than they should be and it's going to be interesting to see what it is.

  • SpiderFarmer [he/him]
    5 days ago

    The Ancient Aliens team is behind Western Media. It explains the regularly built-in racism, at least.

  • Des [she/her, they/them]
    5 days ago

    Fusion powered planetary defense craft of the PLA (Space Command) will be all that stands in the way of an invasion of Von Neuman machines from the nearby Dyson Swarm system.

  • Tachanka [comrade/them]
    5 days ago


    skip to 5:51

    Some commentary: Would a dyson sphere really appear "dark" and only be visible in infrared? Wouldn't a civilization manipulating a dyson sphere still want to be able to see what they're doing outside of the sphere? Wouldn't they have tons of light pollution from their advanced civilization existing around their dyson sphere? Unless they've somehow evolved past the need to see things, it seems like a dyson sphere is an unlikely explanation for these 7 stars

    • radiofreeval [any]
      5 days ago

      We don't know if extraterrestrial life would need light to see. Using sonar and producers that get energy from volcanic vents is 100% possible.

    • Mjpasta710@midwest.social
      5 days ago

      How much light would individual ships need? Do you expect light sources of living beings near the star would need to shine at stellar brightness to see?

      Why would you expect (an advanced civilization) would need enough light near that star- to be visible outside of the solar system?

      Additionally, their work light outside of their sphere (assuming they wanted to go outside of the sphere), would be directional.

      It would need to be immensely bright to reflect or pointed directly at us.

      We don't know what they are, a lack of other additional light is odd. I want to know more about them.

  • HarryLime [any]
    6 days ago

    The Dyson Sphere thing might be real, though it's far from confirmed.

      • HarryLime [any]
        6 days ago

        No they found like fifty weird stars or something

        • MF_COOM [he/him]
          5 days ago

          The idea that hyper sophisticated alien societies will all naturally build a fantastically complex object that a futurist ape dreamed up before our planet had even travelled to the moon is the height of hubris.

          • jackmarxist [any]
            5 days ago

            A dyson swarm can be possible theoretically and a civilisation can potentially build a swarm with enough technological prowess. It's just Solar Energy so it's likely that other civilisations also have same ideas as humans when it comes to this.

            Although the most likely explanation is still that it's just dust.

            • ProletarianDictator [none/use name]
              5 days ago

              A star with orbiting solar panels is an idea so poisoned by the current level of human technological development.

              Like trying to detect radio emissions to find extraterrestrial life.

            • MF_COOM [he/him]
              5 days ago

              We have literally no idea what an alien society is likely to do.

              Just because the dominant ideology of Dyson's time was a valorization of unquenchable resource extraction doesn't mean it's at all logical to project that value structure even on different human societies, much less literally alien ones.

          • HarryLime [any]
            6 days ago

            you guys will look so stupid if it turns out they're dyson spheres

            • Smeagolicious [they/them]
              5 days ago

              If alien civilizations capable of building megastructures are discovered shortly, the last thing I'm gonna be worried about is looking stupid for doubting their discovery as reported in sensationalist media lol

              edit: that said, sicko-wistful

            • FourteenEyes [he/him]
              5 days ago

              aliens would never use such an overpriced vacuum brand they're probably Hoover spheres