Literally a peek inside the average Florida school board member's head.
Ghost with the intact shackles has pretty solid emoji potential.
I actually really like the entire left slave ghost, or maybe just his shackled arm holding the box labeled TISSUE to make that word more legible at an emoji size. Or maybe both.
Incredible incredible dunk potential
Holy shit guys gals and nb pals, our big boy Kelly hit another one out of the park.
It's not new:
But that's ok, Kelly posting is always quality posting.
I don't even know which mental contortions I'm supposed to undertake to even understand which side this is coming from
It's a parody of right-wing political comics. Kelly is published in the onion, which is vaguely on the left, moreso since they unionized IIRC.
Yeah onion is good, they're generally not that far to the left, but you can tell many of their people are. Some of its just average lib stuff. But I think a lot of the jokes that aren't inherently leftist still seem like a leftist would be a lot more likely to conceive of them- they can bite in a way liberals don't.
I think it'd be fair to say they average out around 'radlib'